Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve Master Planning

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Consultation has concluded

December 6, 2022 - Hilltop Needmore Master Plan Adopted

The Town Board unanimously adopted the Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve Master Plan on December 5 following a lengthy and vigorous public feedback period and after a recommendation from the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Advisory Board.

The Master Plan includes both passive and active recreation components and addresses town program needs identified through a comprehensive needs assessment. Currently, funding has not been identified for any specific phases of the project or the entire Master Plan but will be further evaluated and prioritized during the Comprehensive Systemwide Parks, Recreation and

December 6, 2022 - Hilltop Needmore Master Plan Adopted

The Town Board unanimously adopted the Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve Master Plan on December 5 following a lengthy and vigorous public feedback period and after a recommendation from the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Advisory Board.

The Master Plan includes both passive and active recreation components and addresses town program needs identified through a comprehensive needs assessment. Currently, funding has not been identified for any specific phases of the project or the entire Master Plan but will be further evaluated and prioritized during the Comprehensive Systemwide Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Master Plan and budget development scheduled to be conducted in early 2023. It is important to note that this is a long-range master plan. Given the scope of the master plan, the scale of the Park, and that the Town does not have an unlimited budget, it is likely that this master plan will be completed in phases over the next 20 years as internal and external funding sources are identified.

October 11, 2022 - The Town is Seeking Citizen Feedback on the Proposed Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve Master Plan.

The Proposed Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve Master Plan was presented to the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Advisory Board at their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, October 10, 2022. Here is a conceptual rendering.

The proposed plan incorporates public input gathered this past spring through numerous in-person meetings, an online survey, and Town program needs.

From October 11-November 11, 2022, the Town is seeking input from the public on the Proposed Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve Master Plan.

The Master Plan will be presented to the Fuquay-Varina Town Board at a public meeting on November 7, 2022, at 7 pm. The public is invited to attend this meeting at the John W. Byrne Municipal Building.

The anticipated adoption of the Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve Master Plan is in December 2022.

Please review the Proposed HNTPP Master Plan Presentation and provide comments in the form below through November 11, 2022.

May 2022 (History of the Project)

The Town, along with CLH Design, is currently working toward creating the Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve Master Plan. This document will guide the park's future development of the balance of the property outside of the Wake County Public School System project and the Community Center North and will require extensive public participation so that the community's vision is well represented.

The community will have two ways to participate in providing input for the master plan. The first opportunity will be a series of public input meetings where the attendees will have the chance to pose questions, better understand the park planning process, and state their vision for what amenities they would like included in future renovations.

The public meetings are as follows:

  • Thursday, May 12, from 6:30 pm-9:00 pm at the FM2FV Concert at Centennial Square
  • Saturday, May 21, from 10 am-2 pm at Fleming Loop Recreation Park
  • Wednesday, May 25, from 6 pm-8 pm at the Fuquay-Varina Community Center
  • Monday, June 13, 4 pm-6:30 pm at Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve.

The Town is committed to public engagement. We want to hear all voices during this public input process. For those unable to participate at the in-person events, there is a survey below. You will need to register to participate in the survey. The registration process is simple and will take less than 1 minute. The registration process allows you to keep updated on projects that matter to you. Our survey collects relevant demographic and residency information to ensure that a representative sample of the community is reached. The survey will be available from May 27-June 30, 2022

After completing the public input process and community survey, CLH Design and the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department will begin analyzing the data and prioritizing projects for inclusion in the Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve Master Plan. A draft of this plan should be available by early fall.

Questions? Please contact the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department at 919-552-9140 or by email at adimarzio@fuquay-varina.org

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Town of Fuquay-Varina is currently accepting comments on the Proposed Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve Master Plan.  

    Comments will be accepted Oct. 11-Nov. 11, 2022.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete this survey so we can better measure what amenities and features our community needs, and wants included in the Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve Master Plan. Participants will only be allowed to complete one survey. This survey is available May 27-June 30, 2022.

    Consultation has concluded
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